Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 54

We were able to attend the temple tonight. We did sealings and it was wonderful. So peaceful. So calm. I am grateful we live so close to the temple. I LOVE our awesome nanny who watched the kiddos so we could go. I love to see the temple. I know the work done there is true and lasting. I'm grateful to be sealed to my parents, my awesome husband, and darling kiddos. We've gone twice this year and hope to make it 10 more times in 2011.

Day 53

Sometimes you come around a corner and want to freak out. But then you're afraid your kid will also freak out, fall six feet to the floor, and break a leg. So instead, you quietly get a camera, snap some pics, and help your kid climb down safely. It looks like our Family Night about safety went over really well.

Day 52

The kids had today off from school. It was a teacher conference day. Of course I completely spaced on Grant's conference. Oh well. I did remember that dude on the left was coming to measure the countertops, so I broke even. Here the boys enjoy oranges with lunch. Specifically, Hayden shows us what orange peel eyebrows would look like. And you will notice that most of the cabinet doors are back up and looking quite spiffy with their new coat of paint.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 51

We checked the mail a day late and were surprised to discover four fun letters for the kids. Valentines and money from Grandma and Grandpa Hobbs! Hayden especially was pleased to get "four million dollars!" Thank you!

Day 50

This is our house lately: utter chaos.

Day 49

Cosette is awesome. She can drink from a straw. She may have spilled more on her shirt than got in her mouth.

Day 48

The weather was beautiful this week! On a wonderful, 75 degree day in February, the kids spent the afternoon climbing trees with friends.

Day 47

I absolutely forgot to take a picture. Imagine a big pile of boxes. I spent the day packing up the kitchen to get the house ready for the market.

Day 46

Our first Pinewood Derby. One down, six to go.

Day 45

For Valentine's Day we had the BEST dinner: chicken parmesan, alphabet-shaped breadsticks, Olive Garden style salad, heart-shaped ravioli, and sparkling cider. Delicious! For dessert we enjoyed these s'mores themed cupcakes: white cake (mix), hot fudge filling, with marshmallow fluff topping. I toasted the marshmallow and topped it off with a s'mores candy garnish. So good.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 44

Travis and I subbed in nursery (2 hour church class for 3 year olds) today. We had a great time! These adorable twins were a bit shy (especially of Travis) and sat on my lap most of the 2 hours. When singing time started, cute little green dress came to sit with me too. Pretty soon, Cosette got jealous and wanted me to hold her too.

Day 43

Hayden takes a nap.

Day 42

The PTO at Grant's school puts on movie nights every couple of months. Grant was in tears the last time one came along and we couldn't make it. So when we found out on Tuesday that the PTO would be showing "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" on Friday, we cancelled our dinner plans to take the boys. We enjoyed pizza, popcorn, sodas, and a lot of laughs.

Day 41

The kids love to clean the bathroom. They usually close the door, spray lysol everywhere and make a bigger mess than they clean up. There is always lots of laughing. Today the laughing went on and on until we realized Blake and Hayden were playing a little game with Cosette. It was so cute!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 40

Cosey demonstrating two of her new tricks: waking up just as we're going to bed, and leaning over when I say "kisses!", so I can kiss her on the forehead. Photo courtesy of Travis and heavily edited by moi due to the crappay lighting in our bedroom at 11:30pm.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 39

Today was Trav's first official day at his new job (yesterday was just training at corporate). His report is that everything is awesome so far. Not surprising. He's already noticed a big change in the work environment. We're feeling very grateful today.

Day 38

Grant is usually even-tempered. But we were doing homework tonight when he didn't want to do homework. He had decided that it was time for a movie party. Getting him to attempt hw after such a decision has been made, usually involves some pouting, frowns, and furrowed brows. Thankfully, Grant quickly did his fraction worksheet and only had to practice multiplication tables for 10 min. The 10 min was stretching into eternity b/c he was having a hard time concentrating (due to his bad attitude). We told him to take a break until he could fix his grumpiness. He went to the computer, but was dismayed when we explained that "taking a break" didn't mean computer games, but setting the table and eating dinner. This was the love note he left on the computer table (on an envelope Travis brought home from church to mail to a local church official).

LOL! I love grumpy Grant. We had a good laugh when we found it, and this pic was taken after Grant served his time and apologized for the offense. I'm also pretty glad these are the worst words he could think to write.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 37

Blake and Cosette cuddle while watching the SuperBowl at the Burdicks. He feels the need to pose for every photo.

Day 36

On Saturday, Travis was unemployed. He was in between jobs and we spent the time bumming around the house, watching an Office marathon. Oh and listening to Cosette scream at us, much like this. Her first antibiotic didn't work, so we got a new one and it hadn't kicked in yet. So anyway, the only productive things we did (mostly done by the unemployed Travis) were these: laundry and listing baby stuff on Craigslist. So, courtesy of Travis: today's picture.

I'm so sad to see the swing go...

Day 35

Travis, Hayden and I got to join Grant's class for a field trip on Friday. We had fun checking out the pet store and then enjoyed lunch at Red Robin. This is the best of my point-and-shoot pics. I like to think of it as an I Spy game. The kids love I Spy. So here goes: I spy me, Hayden, Grant, 2 of Grant's preschool buddies, Grant's IA, his classroom teacher, six dogs, and the student teacher. I spy Martha Stewart, the chincilla house, the number 16, a claw, and an exit.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 34

Cong Hei Fat Choi!! Happy Chinese New Year! It is now the year of the rabbit. We likey the rabbit. Every year we have a Chinese New Year's dinner with the kids. We decorated with beanie babies that match everyones birth year, chinese lanterns and real red envelopes. The kids (and Regan) were excited to open their envelopes and find some moolah. Then we ate a ton (egg rolls, potstickers, sweet & sour chicken, and rice). Next year we'll remember the fortune cookies! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 33

My awesome husband, Travis Hobbs, worked his last full day at Lockheed Martin today. He is amazing and scored an awesomer job in a more desirable town with a much more desirable paycheck. Like I said, he rocks. So after almost ten years at LM, he officially signs off on Friday and begins his new job on Monday.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 32

Here's a couple things you probably already know: Cosette loves Hayden. Hayden loves Cosette. Cosette loves anything anyone is drinking or eating (including water). Cosette also can pull to standing on the stairs and other lower surfaces. Today she went after Hayden's water. He lovingly shared almost the whole bottle with her (spilling most of it on their clothes). As she gripped onto him waiting for a sip, she slowly started doing the splits and didn't know what to do about it. I kept snapping pics of course. Hehe.

Day 31

According to Blake, this is the cutest girl in his class at church. He doesn't like girls, but if he had to pick the cute one, this is the obvious choice (and has been for over a year). They made sure to sit next to each other at dinner last night. Something tells me she may be a bad influence.