Saturday, April 2, 2011

Apr 1

We're lighting it up blue! Everyone wore blue today. Grant's school was having a spirit day, so he wore blue silly bands with his school shirt. Blake is head-to-toe blue, Hayden is wearing his favorite blue flower shirt, Travis is wearing his Mitre shirt, and Cosey is blue all over with her cute mini-hat headband. I even wore blue to the dr's office where I found out my sore throat and fever were from strep. Blah. Still, a great start to our Light it Up Blue weekend!

Mar 31

Grant's school had an academic carnival today. There was a free pizza dinner and lots of fun learning games for the kids to play. After playing 12 games, the kids got to pick a couple prizes. It was a blast! The event was well-attended and well-run. We're glad the teachers care enough about our kids to put on such a fun evening.

Mar 30

Blake's school gave every student a copy of "The Tale of Despereaux" and they are all reading it together. Each day they are assigned certain chapters to read. Blake LOVES to read and is such a good reader. As the evenings have gotten busier, he has been reading his book on his own. It's his first chapter book and he is doing so well. Every morning at school, they have trivia questions about the book. All the correct answers are added into a drawing. Apparently, Blake was very disappointed every day when his name wasn't chosen. Finally, on Friday morning, he won!

Mar 29

Eeeewwwww! At least it's a clean toilet. The next time we caught her in there, she was dipping her pacifier in the potty. Double Ew.

Mar 28

Our kids aren't allowed to climb in bed with us at night. But they can come sleep on the floor next to the bed. Most of the time, one or more of them (Blake or Hayden) set up camp sometime during the night. I figure they'll outgrow it someday. For now, as long as they don't wake us up, we're cool with it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mar 27

Snow. In March. Tricky tricky winter! Just when we think we're done, it snows! It was all gone by noon. But rumor is, it's coming back!

Mar 26

Poor Grant. Saturday was crazy. I went to the ballet in DC and just as I left, someone wanted to see the house. Travis took the kids to McD's and on the way to the car, Grant tripped and fell in the parking lot. Travis asked him if he was okay, and he said yes. When I got home at 6pm, Trav and the kids were at the park while someone else visited the house. I noticed Grant wasn't using his arm, and just sitting in the playground. A quick check revealed that he couldn't bend his wrist. Travis realized Grant hadn't really played all day, and was mopey. We put it all together and quickly realized he was really hurt. Poor Grant. A trip to the ER later, we found out he has a Saulter-Harris Type 1 injury of the growth plate. Translation: no visible break in the x-rays, but pain in the growth plate is enough to indicate injury. He's in a splint for 5-7 days, at which point the orthopedist will do more x-rays to find signs of either healing bone (more splint/cast) or nothing (all better). He had some ibuprofen to alleviate the pain and he perked right up. So far, he's back to normal mostly. His teacher said he was disappointed that he couldn't help stack chairs at the end of the day. :)