Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mar 26

Poor Grant. Saturday was crazy. I went to the ballet in DC and just as I left, someone wanted to see the house. Travis took the kids to McD's and on the way to the car, Grant tripped and fell in the parking lot. Travis asked him if he was okay, and he said yes. When I got home at 6pm, Trav and the kids were at the park while someone else visited the house. I noticed Grant wasn't using his arm, and just sitting in the playground. A quick check revealed that he couldn't bend his wrist. Travis realized Grant hadn't really played all day, and was mopey. We put it all together and quickly realized he was really hurt. Poor Grant. A trip to the ER later, we found out he has a Saulter-Harris Type 1 injury of the growth plate. Translation: no visible break in the x-rays, but pain in the growth plate is enough to indicate injury. He's in a splint for 5-7 days, at which point the orthopedist will do more x-rays to find signs of either healing bone (more splint/cast) or nothing (all better). He had some ibuprofen to alleviate the pain and he perked right up. So far, he's back to normal mostly. His teacher said he was disappointed that he couldn't help stack chairs at the end of the day. :)

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